TS4: Testing The Randomize Button! Men and Women!

My first (1) minute with CAS.

So the first thing I did was to hit the RED button = The Randomize NPC Cursed Look Button from The Sims 3.
Yes. I was very afraid of NPCs with red hair, dark skin tones and grey eyes in my old games. No more with this CAS from The Sims 4 I say! No more trouble lol

*I don’t know whether the NPCs or townies in The Sims 4 will be randomly generated, or if they will have predetermined looks. The randomizing features gives you indeed some funky and unusual looks, but the Sims themselves have coherent features (at least in my opinion).

I was very surprised to find so many strikingly looking Sims every 2 or 3 clicks with the randomize button, both for men and women.

Given the fact that they all seem to create the illusion of having strongly varied personalities, whether it is through their clothes or arched, plucked eyebrows, I was happy with the variety and did not see extremely odd looking Sims.

The look of the Sims and the variety I saw really made me happy and content, as my fingers need a rest from constantly typing “testingcheatsenabled true”. The Sims 3 surely provided me with a new motor skill (typing them cheats), but I think that if my “friends” will grow up (yep I’ll have to beat around the bush for the story progression and switching household to make new generations but hey…. eh.) they will look rather cool!
I think I will be using that randomize button a lot!

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